
RTI Desk - RTI-012

RTI 012 - Regulatory clarity on eSign after Aadhaar Verdict Field Value RTI ID CONCA/R/2018/50020 Date of Filing 16/10/2018 PIO Controller of certifying Authorities (CCA) Subject Regulatory clarity on use of eSign after Aadhaar Verdict Query Further to the Aadhaar judgement by the Supreme Court constitutional bench Please provide information on updates to rules, regulations made by CCA related to eSign Service Providers. Continue reading (200 words)...

RTI Desk - RTI-013

RTI 013 - Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India - Regulatory Governance Field Value RTI ID ISBBI/R/2018/50110 Date of Filing 23/10/2018 PIO Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) Subject Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India - Regulatory Governance Query 1. Continue reading (500 words)...

RTI Desk - RTI-010

RTI 010 - Clarification on AePS pricing related regulation Field Value RTI ID RBIND/R/2018/55230 Date of Filing 24/10/2018 PIO Reserve Bank of India Subject Clarification on AePS pricing related regulation Query 1. Continue reading (300 words)...

RTI Desk - RTI-011

RTI 011 - Public Consultation on IPO Listing Process UPI Field Value RTI ID SEBIH/R/2018/50707 Date of Filing 22/10/2018 PIO Securities and Exchange Board of India Subject Public Consultation on IPO Listing Process UPI Query 1. Continue reading (300 words)...